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  2. Using the Fundraising Dashboard
  3. Sending email from your dashbaord

Sending email from your dashbaord

Sending emails from your dashboard is a great idea to ask for donations with a donation link through email to friends, family, and acquaintances, it is also a really great method to thank everyone who has made a donation to you.

To access the “Emails” page, login into your fundraising dashboard, after logging in, on the left menu you will see a link labelled “Emails”, click on it.

After clicking on this page, you will be redirected to a page that looks like the one below:

Click on “Ask for donations” or you can click on the red button at the top right of the screen labelled “Create email”.

After clicking out to it, to the right side of the screen, and email popup will appear.

Steps to send an email:

  1. In the “To” text box, enter in an email or emails separated by comma one at a time.
  2. In the “Subject” text box, you can edit the subject of the email.
  3. In the “Email Message” text box area, you can customize your email to your likings – like adding images, colours, and different sized texts.
  4. Clicking on the red button labelled “Send” to the bottom right, you can send your email campaign out to the world.

See image below which represents the above text.

Importing contacts from an address book

If you have many contacts you want to send to, you can easily import them by clicking on “Address book” at the top right of the email builder screen.

Select one of the following option:

If you click on enter emails, a popup will appear with a text box, in this text box you can enter in an email at a time separated by comma, and than click the red “Add” button once complete.

If you click on the “Import” button, this page will appear:

Select the service provider where your address book is located, after this step, just follow the steps the system will ask you, such as logging using the dash board.

To add contact that have been freshly imports or added, within the “Address book” page, you will see your new or pre-existing contacts, select all or select the ones you’d like to send an email to, and click on the red button labelled “Add“. Please see image below:

Please note, you can modify your contact or delete them buy hovering over their contact name area. To delete a contact or contacts, you can also select each contact and click on the “Delete” button.

Once a contact has been added, you will see them in your “To” list on the email builder page, after you confirm all the emails you want to send to have been added, you can click on the red “Send” button.

Send a campaign from address book with contacts already in it

Follow the same steps as above listed below:

  1. Create a new email
  2. Click on the “Address” book button at the top right
  3. Instead of adding new contacts, select the contacts you want to send to
  4. Add the contacts
  5. Build out your email to your likings
  6. Send

Updated on March 14, 2023
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